Canva templates to amplify social impact

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Functional and easy-to-use Canva templates written + designed by an experienced nonprofit communications strategist

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Imagine this…

What if creating marketing + communications materials for your nonprofit could be easy?

What if you could spend less time writing and designing creative materials and more time gathering stories of the change that your nonprofit creates?

What if your communications or marketing department could produce attractive and compelling social media posts, annual reports, and rack cards without hours of frustration or a learning curve that slows down your workflow?

Templates from The Nonprofit Template Shop® are

Hi!I’m Sandee.

As a former nonprofit staffer and current nonprofit consultant, I know the demands of writing and designing social media posts, event invitations, and sponsorship packets (and more!) while balancing the many other responsibilities of a marketing and communications role.

I’ve been where you are, and now I’m developing the tools I wish I had to help make my job a bit easier.

Sandee Jackson, The Nonprofit Template Shop Founder and Content Director